the organization

I could not be more proud of Cota’s staff and leadership team for the work they do and what they’ve accomplished - it gives me great confidence in Cota’s future!
— Carolyn Cornford (President, Board of Directors 2018)

Cota is an accredited, not-for-profit, community-based organization that has been supporting adults with mental health and cognitive challenges to live well within their communities for over 50 years. We provide person-centred supports that assist individuals to find inspiration and hope in their inherent strengths and support them to pursue meaningful change in their lives, as they define it. We also work collaboratively with our funders, our partners and other stakeholders, across the provincial health and social service systems, to inspire positive change in the way that services are delivered to individuals living with mental health and cognitive challenges.

The Things We Do

  • Case Management services

  • Diversion services for hospital EDs

  • Interdisciplinary Service Teams

  • Quality of Care and Service Coordination

  • Supportive Housing / Housing with Supports

  • Site Support Services

  • Day Programs

  • Short-Term Accommodations with Supports

The People We Help

Cota offers a wide range of services:

  • Mental health services

  • Acquired brain injury services

  • Developmental services

  • Homelessness services

Our goal is to inspire meaningful change in the lives of our clients by helping individuals to recognize and build on their strengths and skills so that they can achieve their goals.



Case Management Services

  • Integrated Service Teams (IST)


In 2015 Cota reorganized our various case management services into four Integrated Service Teams (ISTs). This was done in an effort to improve our ability to serve people presenting complex support needs. As a result, we now have ISTs in each of North York, Scarborough, Toronto West and Toronto East. Each team is comprised of:

  • Acquired Brain Injury Case Managers

  • Addictions Case Managers

  • Dual Diagnosis

  • Geriatric Mental Health Case Managers

  • Mental Health Case Managers

  • Nurse Case Managers

  • Consulting Psychiatry

Our ISTs work as a team and benefit from the knowledge and expertise that each member has to offer. We consider our ISTs as a solid foundation on which to build locally integrated “one team” service responses at a LHIN sub-region level. As we move forward, we intend to develop rapid response short-term support and step-up/step-down capacity within each IST. In addition we will strive to add complementary expertise of other disciplines to Cota’s ISTs, through partnerships or other means.

  • Court and Justice Related Services

  • Brain Injury (ABI) Behavioural Therapy

Day Programs

  • Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) Adult Day Service at Providence Healthcare

  • Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) Day Program at West Park HealthCare

Diversion Services for Emergency Departments

  • Access to Resources and Community Supports (ARCS)

Diversion Services for Emergency Departments

  • Keys to Recovery Assertive Community Treatment (act) team

  • Flexible Outreach Collaborative Urban Supports (focus)

Quality of Care Oversight and Service Coordination

  • Transitional Aged Youth (TAY) Program

  • Specialized Care Program

Short-Term Accommodation With Supports

  • Short-Term Residential Beds Program

  • Safe Beds at Bailey House

site support services

  • Boarding Home Site Support

  • Community Paramedic-Led Clinic Program

  • Health, Home & Community (HHC) Program

  • Lawrence East Partnership Program (LEPP)

supportive housing/housing with supports

  • Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) Supportive Housing - Collegeview Site (Residential)

  • Adams House Supportive Housing

  • Bailey House Supportive Housing

  • Dual Possibilities Supportive Housing (Residential)

  • Mental Health & Justice Supportive Housing Program

  • Short-Term Residential Beds

  • Step-by-Step Supportive Housing

  • Streets to Homes Intensive Follow-Up Supportive Housing