Community Based Groups

Over 70 clients were engaged in focus groups during the development of our Strategic Plan 2016-2021. Clients told us that they wanted to feel more connected with their community and amongst their peers. They were looking to us for ways to achieve this inclusive goal. With this feedback, we developed community-based groups across the City of Toronto. Each group offers attendees a way to connect, socialize, develop skills, and express themselves, providing a therapeutic benefit in a safe, open environment.

Here are a few of the groups that Cota is facilitating…

Creative Expressions Group

The Parkdale branch of the Toronto Public Library had been noticing an increase in people visiting the library, in need of mental health supports which the library was not able to provide. The head librarian noticed Cota’s involvement in the Parkdale community via the Boarding Home Program which provides support to about 750 people in the Parkdale area, and approached Cota to ask for help with providing support to the public.

The Boarding Home Program partnered with Cota's Toronto West Integrated Service Team to provide support. This is an exciting collaboration between two teams serving their community together.

The Creative Expressions Group occurs on Wednesdays 3pm-5pm. As the service is open to the public, all clients current, and former, would also be welcome to attend! Every Wednesday, attendees are able to:

  •  Receive drop-in case management support (e.g., discuss health needs, and receive help with linkages to primary health care and other community support, informal counselling, etc.)

  • Improve on interpersonal skills while providing therapeutic support

  • Reduce their social isolation

  • Make friends in their area

  • Share resources

  • Have fun


The Misfits (they named themselves) Is a group for young people who have an Acquired Brain Injury. The group started when the case manager noticed that she had several younger clients who were having challenges in the community finding social activities that they could access within their community.

They also found that they did not fit into other traditional places due to the complex challenges that they encounter in social settings. They meet on the last Friday of every month for 3 hours where they work on the following:

  1. Improve on interpersonal skills
  2. Minimize their social isolation
  3. Make friends in their area
  4. Share resources
  5. Memory strategies
  6. Have fun

To date they have had about 12 clients attend.

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Group

This is a newly formed group in the Toronto East area and is open to current and former Cota clients receiving Dual Diagnosis Case Management supports. This group offers higher functioning individuals on the autism spectrum a chance to connect with one another in a safe, structured environment. Together this group works on growing social skills, life skills and community building.

The goal of this group is to eventually have the individuals attending work towards facilitating and leading the group.

Women's Group in downtown toronto east

This group provides an opportunity for women to get together to form friendships, work on life skills and promote a sense of belonging. The drop-in will include, crafts, games, wellness activities and a chance to have a coffee, relax, and chat with peers.

Members of the group will plan the monthly activity and take turns facilitating and leading the group. This group is a collaboration of the Toronto East Integrated Service Team and the Assertive Community Treatment team.

a selection of other Groups

Aftercare Group

North York Aspergers 

Peer-Led Recovery Group 

Pottery Group 

Weekly Food Skills Group at Adams House 

4175 Lawrence Drop-In