Cota conducted focus groups with staff across the organization to ascertain where they were experiencing technology and process barriers to efficiency. Staff feedback was collected and contributed to an action plan that included technology upgrades, relocation of a service team and improved organizational processes.

Technology Upgrades: Cota secured onetime funding from the LHINs and MCSS to purchase new tablets for service providers. All service providers within Cota received a new tablet by February 2018. Further, the entire organization received upgraded mobile devices and access to more monthly data. This has allowed staff to have better and faster connectivity when providing service in the community. It also offers staff improved access to online resources and information in order to support clients with their goals.


Relocation of Service Team: Cota’s Toronto East Integrated Service Team (TEIST) moved into a new office space at Access Point on Danforth. The TEIST team previously shared space with our Assertive Community Treatment Team at our Adelaide St. E. location. The relocation of the TEIST has resulted in reduced travel time and improved efficiency in providing service clients in this eastend community. This Access Point on Danforth is also a multi-service hub and acts as a community resource in one of Toronto’s priority neighbourhoods, particularly for the residents of Taylor- Massey neighbourhood. Jeannette Kruger (Manager, Community Health) says that our presence in the hub, “will allow our clients to access services readily and help them foster a sense of belonging in their community.”


Improved Processes: Staff identified two internal processes they wished to see improved: The first was in relation to the efficiency of team meetings. This has been addressed through the introduction of new processes and tools to help ensure that team meetings make the best use of staff’s valuable time. The second was in relation to creating efficiencies by utilizing secure electronic means to share Personal Health Information (PHI) with other health providers. As a result, Cota has been working towards implementing One Mail in 2018-2019.