Cota’s Staff Recognition & Wellness (SR&W) program has been revitalized with a renewed focus on creating an environment where wellness is embedded in our culture. The committee, comprised of staff representatives from across Cota, oversees the SR&W program and contributes to organizing activities and events throughout the year. It also offers resources to staff to help them maintain a healthy work/life balance.
One such event is our Staff Recognition Event. At this event staff from across the organization come together and celebrate their successes and recognize those who have provided long-standing service at Cota. “It was amazing to see staff that have been with Cota for decades. I think it speaks to how well Cota values its employees and that it’s a great place to work,” said Anjo (ACT team, Cota).
Alenka was amongst a group of her fellow colleagues who was awarded a Service Award for working at Cota for fifteen years. “I think the Recognition Event is important to staff who are committed to their work.” Alenka remembers being hired for her current position as case manager in the Mental Health and Justice Prevention Program. She said it was truly a memorable moment.
“I appreciate that I was given this opportunity because it was a great fit for me and still is. It is wonderful to work for an organization that provides opportunity for growth and learning. It is nice to know that you are a valued employee and that your efforts are noticed,” said Alenka.